Mambo Man (Feature Drama)
1H 22MIN
Availability ended 1/31/2021 EDT
MAMBO MAN is the story of a Cuban farmer and music promoter who gambles everything on a deal that appears too good to be true!
With music by the Buena Vista Stars
Based on a true story and filmed in the exotic countryside outside Havana, this remarkable and engaging film will move both your spirit and your feet with its unforgettable passion and intoxicating music. The soundtrack and live performances in the film include some of the legendary Cuban artists who appeared in the box office smash, Buena Vista Social Club.
Directed by Mo Fini
Edesio Alejandro
Written by Mo Fini
Paul Morris
Production Company Tumi Productions
Produced by Zadoc Nava
Julio Cezar
Cast Hector Noas
Isael Yudexi de la Torre Mesa
Alejandro Palomino Infante
David Pérez Pérez
Camila Chile
Idolka De Erbit