Dispatches from the Vietnam War: Beer, Bunkers and Typewriters
Directed by Keith Lane
Run Time: 4 minutes 18 seconds, United States
'Dispatches from the Vietnam War: Beer, Bunkers and Typewriters' follows the surreal and existential journey of a young soldier entering war for the first time. Not long after I first met Lloyd I started hearing stories about his time in Vietnam during the war. Each one cut through the archetypes I had often heard about the war and wars in general. Each one insightful and nuanced. Each one led to a desire to hear more. Details behind why he volunteered to join the Army; what it was like for him to fly on an airplane for the first time, let alone one heading to war; and his transition from Vietnam home were left out due to time constraints. So too were a few other stories. Perhaps those will be shared at a later date. What remains are three stories that pull you into a world of a young man navigating the paradoxes of conflict at a pivotal time in his life.
Directed by Takeshi Yashiro
Run Time: 27 minutes 59 seconds, Japan
When Gon, a playful orphaned fox, finds that young Hyoju has lost his mother, he tries to comfort him and make amends for his own earlier mischiefs by secretly bringing small gifts to the boy every day. But Hyojudoesn’t realize who is behind the anonymous gifts, and the two are headed for a heartbreaking climax.
Directed by Hock Wong
Run Time: 10 minutes, Singapore
"Journey", a Taiwanese language short( Written in Chinese as: "三彩船之梦“) is based on the true story of a young Taiwanese painter, set in the 1930s. The Artist, Kuo Hsueh-Hu struggled to become an artist, at a time where the artistic profession was less respected and impractical. With support from his mother, a single parent, went against all odds, worked diligently, finally getting recognition for his work. He later went on to become a very successful painter. His works are collected all over the world. He died in 2012 at the age of 104. The short film was Executive Produced by Mr. Kuo's son and the Kuo Hsueh-Hu foundation.
The Last Step
Directed by Stanislav Matveev
Run Time: 3 minutes 50 seconds, Austria
A young soldier is walking through his memories, before the moment of death

Dispatches from the Vietnam War: Beer, Bunkers and Typewriters

